Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Definition of Spraoi and bant

Soo its the time of year again.. wait for it...Its FUN WALK time woooo!
St Wolstans do an annual fun walk in aid of anti bullying week. Fun walk consists of getting out of the usual routine of the classroom and lets classes have a chance to work together as a team. Each year is given a colour to wear mar shampla ours this year is yellow, and each class is given a 3minute slot to preform as a class. Fun walk is ulta competitive so bad that each class is sworn to secracy between other classes. This year we are supporting a charity called pieta which works in suicide prevention by doing our walk. This is the highlight of most peoples school year me included! I was all excited about the Fun walk when i found out i wouldnt be there on the day although it is all well and good because i will be in NEW YOOORK CONCRETE JUNGLES WHERE DREAMS ARE < oh yes as you can tell Im ecstatic anyway i wish fodla the best of luck and I know they will make me proud!

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