Tuesday, 18 October 2011


My excitement at the moment is uncany! I have just found out I have blog viewers from cork, new york and California how popular am I?
So just to say Hello there new amigos and I hope I entertain you with my blogs :)

Over & Out


Sunday, 16 October 2011

Food glorious food

Ah yes, My favorite topic... Food! There is nothing I love more than the feeling you get when you eat something utterly Scrumtious or the feeling of pure relief when you eat something after you have spent hours in hunger, Makes me smile even thinking of it. Before whoever is reading this thinks Im a complete fatty I would like to explain myself Im a big food geek, I love trying new foods especially from different cultures I rarely turn my nose up on any kind of food apart from Cucumbers and Tomatoes they are the only things that I could never put any where near my taste buds.

I don't have a particular food that I favour yet the one ingredient I believe always makes a dish taste that little bit better is Garlic,I'am a ultimate fan of garlic if I could have it with every meal I would! In my opinion garlic gives a umph in a meal that it needs, for example garlic bread where would that be without the garlic it would just be bread? Also its handy if you need to get rid of any vamps! 
Anyhoo I could babble on about the wonderful bia all night yet I need some shut eye, 

over & out


Sunday, 2 October 2011

And the tears begin..

As everyone told about all the projects in Ty I didn't really think about it UNTIL NOW!
I'm actually the most unorganised girl on this planet, I always leave things to the last minute and have never been on time for anything in my life ( well that's a lie once or twice) I have a young scientist project which is due tonight, a geography project which I am no where near finished and a English project which I'm not even sure what its about oh and I have a religion presentation today and it is 7.20 on a Monday morning! I honestly don't think I will have any hair on my head or nails on my fingers by the end of this year, Definition of stress of the century 

whoever said Ty was a doss, should sort their life out

Over & Out
